Call us: (913) 393-2100

Representing People in Kansas and Missouri

We understand that for many of our clients, this will be their only case. It is also probably the most important case in their lives. We work hard on our clients' cases, putting in long hours daily and oftentimes seven days a week. We enjoy the work and the chance to help others in their darkest moments.

Our offices are conveniently located in a beautifully renovated building on the square in downtown Olathe, near the Johnson County District Court. We are across Kansas Avenue from the courthouse just south of the Johnson County Adult Detention Center. There is free parking on the street in front of the office as well as in the parking lot directly behind the building. Moreover, in addition to welcoming you to our law offices, we can visit you wherever you are, whether it is at home, in the hospital, or even in jail. We make it easy to consult an attorney.

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